How to measure ring size

There’s nothing more frustrating than buying a ring, only to find out it doesn't fit. Whether you're shopping for yourself, planning a surprise for someone special, or looking to create a custom piece, knowing how to measure ring size is crucial for making sure that sparkling gem slips on perfectly. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a jeweller to figure it out! With a little guidance, measuring your ring size can be as simple as following a recipe. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Why measuring your ring size matters

Think of your ring as the centerpiece of a puzzle — the ring size is the piece that holds everything together. A ring that fits snugly offers comfort and security, while a ring that’s too tight or too loose could lead to discomfort or, worse, loss. Whether it's an engagement ring, wedding band, or just a fun fashion accessory, finding the right size is key to ensuring a lifetime of comfort and style.

Before we get into the details, let’s answer an essential question: How do you even measure ring size? Let's explore the best techniques!

How to measure ring size: DIY methods for you to try at home

No matter what, knowing how to measure ring size accurately is vital, and there are several methods you can use without ever leaving your home. Let's break them down step by step.

  1. Using a string or paper strip

This is one of the simplest ways to measure your ring size, and you can do it right now using household items.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Grab a piece of non-stretchy string or a strip of paper and a ruler.
  2. Wrap the string or paper around the base of your finger. Be careful not to pull too tight; it should fit comfortably.
  3. Mark the point where the string or paper overlaps.
  4. Lay the string or paper flat and measure its length with a ruler in millimeters.
  5. Compare the measurement to a ring size chart to determine your size.


Pro Tip: If you're stuck between two sizes, always opt for the larger one to ensure comfort.

  1. Measuring an existing ring

Already own a ring that fits well? You’re in luck! You can use that ring to measure the size of a new one.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Use a ring that fits the finger you’re trying to size.
  2. Measure the internal diameter (the space inside the ring) in millimeters.
  3. Compare this measurement with a ring size chart to find your size.

This method is especially handy for surprise gifts—just borrow a ring from the person you're shopping for!

  1. Ring-sizer tools

If you want to get super accurate, consider investing in a ring-sizer tool. These tools are relatively inexpensive and can be bought online or at your local jewellery store.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Order a plastic or metal ring sizing tool online.
  2. Slip the sizer onto your finger and pull it tight until you find the size that fits snugly but comfortably.
  3. Test multiple times to make sure you’ve got the correct size.

Factors that affect your ring size

Okay, so now you know how to measure ring size. But did you know your size might change throughout the day? That’s right! Several factors can influence your ring size.

  1. Temperature fluctuations

Our fingers tend to swell in heat and shrink in cold weather. If you measure your ring size on a hot day, your ring may end up feeling loose during cooler temperatures.

  1. Time of day

Did you know that your fingers are typically larger in the evening? Measure your ring size at the end of the day for the most accurate result.

  1. Diet

Sodium causes water retention, which can make your fingers swell. If you’ve had a salty meal, it’s better to wait a few hours before measuring your ring size.

Common mistakes to avoid when measuring ring size

You don’t want to get this wrong, right? Here are a few mistakes people often make when learning how to measure ring size:

  1. Measuring at the wrong time

As mentioned earlier, measuring in the morning or after a workout can lead to an inaccurate size. Always measure in the evening when your fingers are at their largest.

  1. Using stretchy material

If you're using string, make sure it's non-stretchy. Stretchy materials can give you a false reading, leading to a ring that’s too small.

  1. Not considering band width

The wider the ring, the tighter it will feel. If you're buying a ring with a thick band, consider going up half a size to ensure comfort.

What if you ordered the wrong size?

Oops! If the ring doesn’t fit perfectly, don’t worry, there’s always a solution. Many jewellers offer resizing services, which can adjust the ring by half a size or more.

How to measure ring size for a surprise

Are you planning a surprise engagement or gift? It might seem tricky, but it’s definitely doable. Here’s a sneaky way to get the right size without them knowing.

Borrow one of their rings

The easiest way to get a surprise ring size is to borrow a ring they already wear on the intended finger. Use the "measuring an existing ring" method described earlier to determine the size.

Ask their friends or family

Chances are, their close friends or family might already know their ring size. If you’re unsure, enlist their help!


Learning how to measure ring size is the first step in ensuring that your next ring purchase is a perfect fit. Whether you’re using a string, an existing ring, or a specialized tool, accuracy is key. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide and considering factors like time of day and temperature, you'll be well on your way to finding the ideal ring size. Remember, if you're ever in doubt, consult with a jeweller. They'll have professional tools to measure ring size accurately.


  1. Can I measure my ring size with just a ruler?

Yes, but it might not be as accurate. You can use a ruler to measure the diameter of an existing ring or the length of a string wrapped around your finger, but comparing those measurements to a ring size chart is crucial for accuracy.

  1. What should I do if I'm between two ring sizes?

When in doubt, always go for the larger size. It’s better for a ring to be slightly loose than too tight, as resizing is easier when there’s more material to work with.

  1. Can my ring size change over time?

Yes, your ring size can change due to factors like weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or even changes in muscle or joint size. It’s a good idea to remeasure your ring size if it’s been a while since your last measurement.

  1. What is the average ring size for women and men?

The average ring size for women is typically between sizes 5 and 7, while for men, it's between sizes 9 and 11. However, this can vary significantly based on the individual.

  1. Is it better to get a ring too big or too small?

It’s generally better to get a ring that’s slightly too big rather than too small. A loose ring can often be resized down, whereas a ring that's too tight may need more complicated adjustments or risk breaking when forced on.